I help women launch the business of their dreams so they can live life on their terms.

If you're in a restricted 9-5, feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated, I'm here to show you that with a bit of hard work and persistence, you truly can create your own career that makes you excited, full of life and in complete control of your schedule. 

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Hi, I'm Alice.

Just a few years ago I was working full time, feeling unfulfilled and wondering how I could make the logistics of my family life work with my rigid 9-5 schedule. I desperately wanted a job I could do around my kids and something that made me feel alive.

Now, that dream is my reality and I'm able to make money while we're at the park, swimming, relaxing at home or even on holiday - all thanks to the online business I created.

Just imagine what your life would be like if you had more freedom like that! Because... whilst setting up a business is not for the faint of heart, it is SO much fun, so rewarding and not that difficult if you learn from someone who's been where you are already.

You just have to know the right steps to take and then actually take the time to implement them.

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I know how you feel... I was just like you!

I was desperate not to go back to work after my maternity leave. I wanted a job that would fit around my life and not the other way round. I wanted something I could call my own, something that lit me up and made me excited to work. So I got my head down, learnt as much as I could about launching and running a business and to my absolute joy, my business has now generated over £1.2m in sales. Now I want to share all my knowledge with you so you can launch your own business and change your life!

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